The 8 Most Expensive and Valuable Pokémon Cards

The 8 Most Expensive and Valuable Pokémon Cards

If you enjoy feeling nostalgic for simpler times, then you will love reminiscing about the days when Pokémon Cards were your biggest obsession. It was truly a great pastime, trading your cards in the playground and trying to snag your favorite holograph from your friend. Back then it was just fun to collect and trade Pokémon Cards, most of us not at all aware of how much money those simple and somewhat flimsy little items could be worth. Now might just be the time to go digging out your old collection if you still have it, because some of your cards could actually make you somewhat wealthy.

It seems absurd to imagine that something you grew up collecting could actually become extremely valuable.  It really is true that people are purchasing these rare cards for some incredibly high prices, making them sincerely valuable and not just “fake” pricey. You might be able to pull out that old collection and find that your favorite card is actually worth thousands of dollars, especially if it has been kept in good condition. What some people don’t know is that Pokémon cards are just like comic books or any other card really, in the sense that it is valued even higher if it has been officially graded and meets a rather high grade. Whenever a card is proven to be in great condition and kept in that pristine shape, it certainly increases its market value. Here are some of the most valuable and insanely expensive Pokémon Cards on the market.

Holographic Shadowless First Edition Charizard

Let’s face it, most of us loved our Charizard card. It was the favorite of many, but if you had this specific error card you could be rolling in the dollar bills. This specific error card is missing the shadow on the right side and is rather noticeable, the error was fixed quickly making this specific edition extremely rare. It can be valued at close to $12,000, making it one of the most insanely expensive Pokémon Cards on the market.

Holographic Shadowless First Edition Mewtwo

Another Pokémon that fans adore, mostly because of its rarity- this shadowless error card can be worth around $1,500. Not as exorbitant as the shadowless Charizard, but still rather valuable- this Mewtwo is certainly a card that would be exciting to find tucked away in your old collection. With just that slight error it makes it incredibly valuable, and rather rare.

Shining Charizard

While most holographs picture the background holographic and shining, this one is a bit different. Charizard himself has a holograph glimmer, making it an extremely rare and unusual card to acquire. It can be worth over $3,000 if it is in good condition and the right buyer can be found.

Holographic Shadowless Venusaur

Venusaur has always been a rather coveted trading card, but even more so in its holographic form. Back in the day collectors were always hunting for this illusive card, which makes the shadowless version incredibly valuable. It can sell for well over $6,000 if it is in good condition, making it a rather prized possession.

Prerelease Raichu

This card is rather illusive and more than anything the details of it are rumored. There is said to be only 10 released and they were meant to have an official prerelease stamp on the back. The value is hard to really place with such a minimal amount ever made, making it well into the high thousands for those who decide to sell, making them the controllers of the market on this Raichu.

Charizard First Edition

While the value of this card depends entirely on its condition, it can sell for close to $1,000 on the market. Of course most first edition cards are some of the more valuable ones, and are also some that collectors might be lucky enough to find in their collections. Unlike some of the incredibly rare cards, these aren’t just a pipe dream.

Shiny Espeon

This is considered an extremely rare card, which is why it can sell for almost $2,000 online. It is hard to find and any collectors willing to spend that much certainly snag them up when they can. While it isn’t one that most older collectors would find in their collection in the attic, it still deserved a spot on this list simply for its value and incredible rarity.

Trainer Cards

Given out at events for the winners, these cards are certainly rare and the epitome of being a Pokémon fan. It is hard to label a price tag on these, because they range depending on the level, no.1, 2 or 3. They can sell for thousands of dollars, and are definitely some of the absolute rarest and most valuable Pokémon cards you will see.


While you might not have some of these extremely valuable cards stored away, that doesn’t mean you cannot make a few hundred extra bucks on some other first editions. There are plenty of cards that can be valued decently if they are harder to acquire, which is why sifting through might just be worth the gander. The condition is always important of course, since no one wants to pay top dollar for a card that is torn with bits of hot sauce stained on the side. If you do have your old cards in good condition though, it is certainly worth doing a little online research to see if they might make you some extra cash. It seems that even though Pokémon was most popular years ago, it is an obsession that never really died out. With young fans arising daily, it is definitely popular for a reason- especially with nerd culture continuing to become more of a popular vision.


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