10 Helpful Items to Pack for Your Disney Trip

10 Helpful Items to Pack for Your Disney Trip

Most of us consider the main items, packing your clothes appropriately, your toothbrush, extra underwear- all of the important things. While we know the basics there are often smaller drug store items that we don’t even consider the possibility that we may end up needing them. These are often things tied specifically to your needs during your Disney vacation, so it is important to consider the uniqueness of your Disney trip.

Many of these basic items because rather expensive once you enter Disney grounds, so it is best to get them beforehand. It becomes a bit of a damper to forget certain items and have to spend a lot of extra money because you cannot go without what you need. Purchasing a few things ahead of time can really benefit you and make your trip much more enjoyable. It can be difficult to think of some of these items before the trip, which is why we have decided to help you by compiling a list of items we find very beneficial.



It happens, you trip and fall or have some sort of a small accident. Finding Band-Aids on Disney grounds can be harder than you might think. Band-Aids can also be good for covering up those small spots on your feet that begin to rub and get raw. It isn’t a permanent fix but it can definitely help ease the discomfort. It is definitely important to keep some extras in your backpack for when you are at the parks.


People often forget just how much rain you can get at the parks, and oftentimes it isn’t expected. If you have already used your ticket and have entered the park, then it doesn’t matter if it rains. Disney won’t refund your ticket just because of a little rain, so you will have to prepare for those situations. If you are in the Florida park then it is likely the rain will go away after a short time, you just want to be able to keep dry while you wait. Ponchos can also be good for some of the water rides, just to keep yourself a little bit dry. There are often cheap 10-packs that you can purchase, but make sure to buy them before entering Disney. The prices definitely skyrocket for ponchos once you are on Disney grounds.


It can be nice to have a blanket that you don’t mind getting dirty, since it can be used to grab a spot for the parades. There aren’t many places to sit when the parades start, so having a blanket to place on the ground can make it more relaxing. Usually you’ve already been doing more than enough standing, so being able to sit down and watch the parade from a relaxing spot, is definitely enjoyable.

Handheld Fan

It can certainly get hot depending on what time of the year you decide to visit Disney. When you’ve been walking in the heat all day it does get a little overwhelming, especially if you aren’t from a warmer climate. Having a battery operated handheld fan with a little water spray, can make all the difference. Just something to give you a little bit of relief from the intense heat is going to be something you appreciate having.

Travel Size Sunscreen

Sunscreen is something most people do think to bring, especially during the summertime. Remember that Disney is located in rather warm climates, especially Disney World. It can be sunny all year round and if you aren’t used that intense level of sun it is important to keep yourself protected. There is nothing more miserable than planning a long trip and getting badly burned your first day. Having a travel size sunscreen to carry in your backpack or fanny pack is definitely a smart move for your vacation comfort.


Hurting feet is definitely one of the biggest dilemmas for a Disney vacation. You spend a lot of time walking even before you make it to the parks, so this is something you have to prepare for. Having comfortable shoes is vital, and having them already broken in is just as important. Even if you do have great shoes, you still might end up with a few blisters and discomforts. Moleskin can be an excellent and helpful way to make your situation a bit more enjoyable.

Anti-Wrinkle Spray

Anti-wrinkle spray for your clothing is definitely a great idea to bring on your trip. Somehow even your nice clothes end up getting all wrinkles and messy between travelling and unpacking. That nice outfit that you have planned for a fancy dinner might end up covered in wrinkles, and having the magical wrinkle spray is a complete lifesaver! Just spray it on and straighten out the clothing, then let it sit for a while and your clothes will look freshly ironed.


Snacks for the room can definitely be a great way to make the trip more enjoyable. Just having a few extra energy bars for when you get really hungry and just need something to hold you over, that is certainly going to be something you are thankful for later on.


Always bring the right medications, extra if you need to. Having Tylenol for when you end up with a serious headache is going to be beneficial when you see the prices on Disney grounds. Just make sure to consider all of the medications that you might need, including allergy medicine. Bringing extra Benadryl can be important too, since you never know when allergies might become a serious issue and you don’t want to wait to relieve those symptoms.

Anti-Chafe Balm

This is definitely another major issue for most people during their Disney vacation. With all that walking you can end up with extremely painful chafing. This can ruin your entire trip, especially if you seem to have shorts that just aren’t quite long enough to cover the painful areas. Chafing happens to the best of us, but it isn’t something you want to ruin your awesome vacation. Anti-chafe balm can be a lifesaver in these situations.

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