Posted on April 26, 2016
Top Ten Most Expensive Funko POPs
While some of us are just lucky to find a pop valued higher than it’s original purchase, others are spending thousands of dollars on one single POP! Yes, you heard us correctly THOUSANDS!
For some of us collecting POPs is more than a hobby, more than an obsession, it is a lifestyle. Taking time out of our busy schedules to hunt down our favorite POPs, even cutting into the piggy bank to purchase some of those harder to find items. Whether you are an in box collector or an out of box collector, where you enjoy DC POPs or prefer Marvel Funko items (*cough cough* like us)- we are all in the same boat. We love our POPs and we are not ashamed to admit it.
This article is dedicated to some of the rarest and priciest POPs in the collector-verse. We are warning you, the prices of some of these POPs are obscene!

Freddy Funko Boba Fett- $6,000.00
The first and highest valued POP on our list, is the Freddy Funko Boba Fett. This piece is not only valued extremely high, he also sells for even higher than his estimated value. He occasionally sells for somewhere between 1 to 2 thousand dollars, and that is a lucky grab! This pop recently sold for the not so bargain price of $6,000.oo! This little beauty is a rare comic con exclusive, and has unbelievable detail to his design. It was released as a San Diego Comic Con Exclusive back in 2014. What an insane price for one little POP! But we don’t blame the buyer, if we could afford it we would most certainly want to get our hands on this little guy.

Freddy Funko Superman- $3,100.00.
Next up on our list is another Freddy Funko San Diego Comic Con Exclusive POP. This Freddy Funko Superman POP is valued rather high, recently selling for over $3,000.00. With Freddy’s adorable red hair and precious freckles, how could not love this little guy? Sporting his Funko crown along with a full suited Superman costume, he is one to be sought after. Again, far too high of a price for our wallets, but we would cherish a collection with him in it. He was released back in 2011, making him even older than the Freddy Boba Fett pop.

Clown Dumbo- $2,400.00
One of my personal favorites on this pricey list, has to be the Clown Dumbo POP. Another San Diego Comic Con exclusive from 2013, this beauty goes for over 2,000.00 dollars. Any Disney fan definitely wants this cutie in their collection, even if all they can do it dream about. As if Dumbo isn’t cute enough, they have added adorable clown paint onto this one to make it even more desirable.

Holographic Darth Maul- $1,700.00
Next on our list is the Glow in the Dark Holographic Darth Maul POP. This San Diego Comic Con Exclusive was released back in 2012 and sells for around $1,500.00 dollars on average. The highest price sold was for $1,700.00 to one lucky owner. Any Star Wars fan like myself is sure to be drooling over this little baby. Although we are sure we will never even see one in person, one can dream right?

Flocked Chewbacca- $1,700.00
Another gem for those Star Wards fans out there, the Flocked Chewbacca POP. Released for the 2011 San Diego Comic Con, he is fuzzy, he is wuzzy and he is adorable! Alright, so maybe I embarrassed myself there but I just cannot help it. Selling for the high price of $1,400.00 dollars, this is one of the most grail worthy POPs on the market.

GITD Green Lantern- $1,200.00
Our next item on the list is the San Diego Comic Con exclusive, Glow in the Dark Green Lantern POP. If you enjoy GITD POPs this one is certainly for you! It is a rare find and sells for around $1,200.00. Do we want it? Yes. Will we ever obtain it? Probably not.

Blue Metallic Batman- $1,000.00
The Blue Metallic Batman is a gorgeous piece for any Batman fans or even Metallic POP fans. Selling for around $1,000.00, he is a 2010 San Diego Comic Con exclusive. Yes, there is a trend here, SDCC exclusives are some of the highest selling POPs on the web. Being that I am a sucker for anything Metallic, this baby is high on my want list.

Biggs Darklighter- $999.00.
Another amazing Star Wars Funko POP, Biggs Darklighter sells for just under $1,000.00. A San Diego Comic Con exclusive from 2012, he is a must have for any Star Wars collector with some extra cash to burn!

Flashpoint Batman- $950.00.
Next on our list is the Flashpoint Batman a New York Comic Con Exclusive from 2011. Selling between 600-1,000, he is definitely a desirable POP for the Batman collector.

Planet Arlia Vegeta- $710.00
Planet Arlia Vegeta is a rather desired POP and is also a Toy Tokyo exclusive. He sells for anywhere from 400 to 700 dollars. For any Dragonball Z fans this is a definite grail for their collection!
This list may appear obscene to some, but we understand the appeal to these exclusive POPs! What do you think of the prices of some of these items? Let us know in the comments below. If you have any of these amazing POPs and just want to share your collection on our website, email us at or contact us through Twitter @CollectivePOP.