How to Get Your Hands on Chase Funko Pops

How to Get Your Hands on Chase Funko Pops

While it isn’t impossible to give you directions on how to definitely score a chase Pop, there are plenty of tips to help you get a little bit closer. Chase pops are difficult to find because there are only so many of them released, and everyone wants to snag them. Usually a chase will be a variant of an already existing Pop, sometimes they glow in the dark and other times they have a feature that makes it very different from the original Pop. Many people become frustrated as collectors, just hoping to one day get their hands on that illusive chase Pop, but there are ways to improve your chances and get closer to a score. As someone who has personally found 4 chases in the wild, I can certainly attest to their availability. Wild chases are real people, even though it might seem like an impossible score.

Get Friendly with the Employees

It’s always beneficial to get to know your local employees, since they can give you insider information. From my personal experience you can meet some really friendly workers who don’t mind assisting their customers when it comes to figuring out when their Pops arrive. Obviously being a nice and friendly human being is always a good choice, but sometimes getting to know your store employees can really be helpful when it comes to scoring the Pops you really want. This is especially helpful if you are aware of their release dates and can get to know when the most likely arrival in your local stores will be.

While many people complain about workers who simply want to purchase the Pops themselves, this isn’t always the case. Getting to know them can help you figure out who simply wants the items for themselves, versus someone who is just doing their job.

Track the Shipments

One of the absolute best ways to get your hands on a chase Pop is to be aware of when the shipments arrive in your area. They usually move through in a pattern, the west coast receiving their Pops first in most cases. You can always check in with your store employees and ask them what days their shipments usually arrive. Some stores like Target put out their stock first thing in the morning, so you can always check in right away before anyone else arrives and ask the employee if they received any Pops that day. This is honestly one of the best ways to score a chase Pop, even though it can sometimes be competitive.

You might have to deal with other collectors who can be a bit pushy when they are trying to score a Pop they want. Even though it can have certain frustrating aspects, this is often the most effective way to get the collectible you really want. It is often the only way to get them if you live in an area with a lot of other collectors. The competitive aspect is challenging at times, but you certainly can get your hands on a good chase if you are willing to work a little harder.

The Early Bird Gets the Worm

As much as it can be challenging for people who have jobs and other things to tend to, sometimes being there first is really the only way to get a chase. If you know that a shipment is arriving on a certain day then you need to get up early and arrive when the store opens its doors. It seems a bit intense but it is really rewarding to be able to score a Pop that you really want. When you see that gorgeous chase sticker shinning on the front of the box, it feels a bit surreal. Sometimes the only way to get what you want is to be there before anyone else.

Look Closely

Sometimes people hide Pops, so you might have to look thoroughly. Checking behind the shelves and in odd places can wind up leading you to a hidden chase. If someone caught it but couldn’t quite afford it, they might have decided to hide it in the oddest location. Searching thoroughly through the Pop sections and even some places nearby, can sometimes be beneficial. Make sure not to just skip through the shelves, because honestly it isn’t always easy to recognize the difference in stickers. It seems like they would stand out drastically, but in the sea of other exclusive stickers it can sometimes be easy to miss. Make sure to be thorough and eventually you will get lucky.

Don’t Give Up!

It sounds ridiculous but you just can’t give up! It can start to feel like you will never find a chase Pop without having to pay the flipper prices, but you just have to keep at it. Keep searching and continue to monitor those releases and eventually you will score the chase you really want. Sometimes this happens when you least expect it, which can make the experience even more exciting. You have to keep pushing through the disappointment and eventually you will discover your first wild chase Pop. Sometimes it takes years of collecting, but it is certainly worth the thrill of seeing the chase on the shelf and being able to get your hands on it. Sometimes it takes searching to different stores, but sometimes it just requires a little extra effort to find the chase you have been looking for.

It really does start to feel hopeless when you see other people scoring the chase Pops that you wanted. We often feel like we aren’t lucky enough to get the score, but eventually it happens and it is completely worth it. Using some of these tips can really be helpful when it comes to chase hunting and Pop hunting in general!


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