Fortnite Funko Pops Are a Thing, And You Probably Need Them Now!

Fortnite Funko Pops Are a Thing, And You Probably Need Them Now!

If you haven’t heard about the very popular Epic game called Fortnite, than you are probably living under a rock. And that rock is in a cave, out in the middle of nowhere, where you have zero contact with anything or anyone. Whether you love it or hate it, you at least know a little bit about this obsession which has taken over the gaming community in a lot of ways.

Fortnite is not just an online multiplayer game, it also has a story mode which it seems most people don’t care much to experience. The upside is that the online version is a free download which draws in a lot of players. Don’t worry though, the game creators get your money by coming out with new skins and emotes which require you to have something called V-Bucks, and to really have enough you definitely need to pay for them. For some it is necessary to buy a few skins, for others it seems a bit like a waste of money when it doesn’t improve your gameplay whatsoever. Either way there are some pretty cool looking and even cute looking skins available for players of all types. A nice addition to this game is that it seems to market to just about everyone, and doesn’t seem made for just one type of person.

Just a quick run through of the gameplay for anyone who actually does live under a rock and is now crawling out of their dank hole (no not the cool type of dank, I mean the damp kind). Your objective is to kill your enemies and to stay within the eye of the storm, since being on the outside of the storm will ultimately kill you. This game is not just about finding good loot and taking out your enemies, it is also majorly about your building skills. It requires that players collect building supplies and use their building abilities to create ramps and fortresses in order to protect you from your enemies. While there is a lot more to it than this, you pretty much get the gist.

The point of this article isn’t to talk about the game itself, since most of us are aware of its existence and extreme hype. We are here to show you the recent Funko Pop releases based on familiar skins in the Fortnite world. This is certainly something to create game with collectors who also find themselves obsessed with the game, which is probably why Funko sought to make a deal with Fortnite for these figures. Well they have arrived and are actually pretty awesome looking, with 14 different skins and variants included in the lineup. Thankfully most of them are easy to grab commons, with just a small amount of exclusives.


This one actually is an exclusive, so it might be a bit harder to come by. Crackshot is basically a terrifying nutcracker skin, perfect for any creepy Christmas time look. It is exclusive to Walmart with the sticker and everything, so it might not be the easier to acquire since Walmart is not known for stocking their shelves very well before workers can snag them.

Red Nose Raider

This chick is all adorned in her Christmas sweater and Reindeer antlers, along with a Christmas bow pickaxe. This Funko Pop is in fact an exclusive to Gamestop, so it might be a little bit more challenging to get your hands on.

Codename E.L.F.

This somewhat dorky looking Elf skin is an exclusive to Target, so it might be a bit more challenging to obtain. Usually these types of exclusives can be somewhat difficult to get your hands on, since collectors and flippers will rush to their local stores before they even open. Hopefully they stock enough so that they don’t become hard to come by for fans who just want to collect the entire set.


The Omega skin is obviously an iconic skin and a major player in the game itself, so Funko had to turn this guy into a Pop figure.

Bright Bomber

While she might be a more iconic and recognizable Fortnite skin, this one absolutely drives me insane to look at.

Tower Recon Specialist

One of the more basic skins in Fortnite, but still it makes sense to be a classic one for Funko to create. This one is rather easy to snag and isn’t an exclusive, so for collectors wanting the entire set it should go for the typical $10 range in stores or even from resellers.

Highrise Assault Trooper

Black Knight



A little cooler than the typical skins, this chick is a big of a spacey one. With her space suit adorned with a nice pair of sunglasses, she looks ready for absolutely nothing…or I guess she looks pretty cool.

Skull Trooper

This is a relatively popular skin which wasn’t released that long ago. For anyone looking for a spookier style, this one is absolutely perfect for Halloween. It isn’t an exclusive so thankfully for collectors it shouldn’t be too hard to snag yourself. It seems to be selling for a little higher than market value after its release, but just waiting around should get you a restock.

Love Ranger

To be honest this skin has always creeped me out and reminds me of the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who. I suppose this one is supposed to be more like a cupid or some sort of lovey skin, but in all honesty it just freaks me out. It seems to be increasing a little bit since its release but it should be restocked and easy to acquire since it is not an exclusive.

Merry Marauder

Another adorable seasonal skin, this looks like a very angry gingerbread man. The Merry Marauder should be another easy to come by Pop, since it is not exclusive to anywhere and is just a common which should see many restocks.

Cuddle Team Leader

A somewhat more well-known or popular skin is the Cuddle Team Leader, which is basically just a giant pink teddy bear. Whether you love or hate this skin it is definitely one that Funko had to make into a Pop for this Fortnite collection.


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