The Pros and Cons of Working as a Disney Parks Employee

The Pros and Cons of Working as a Disney Parks Employee

While there has been plenty of recent drama tied to the workers at Disney complaining about the work environment and unfair wages, there are always multiple sides to any story. For some the experience is not at all worth the effort and struggle, while for others it is something they remember fondly and do not regret. There are definitely pros and cons to working at Disneyland and Walt Disney World parks. The important factor is considering your lifestyle and if working at the parks is actually worthwhile for you and your personal needs.

Free Admission

An excellent benefit of working for Disney is being able to attend the parks free of charge. If you are someone who absolutely loves Disney than you realize that it can be wildly expensive. Many people can only visit once in a while if they are lucky, but being a cast member gives you the chance to actually experience the magic whenever you want. This saves a lot of money for people who enjoy Disney, and can be one of the best benefits of being a cast member. The chance to make memories and enjoy spending time in your favorite place after work, is definitely something that most cast members cherish. You would think it would be tiring after a while, but for true fans it really never gets boring. Many say it also saves them money on the weekends, instead of buying movie tickets or going out places, they wind up back at the parks for free admission.

Connections and Friendships

Of course one of the most amazing and special parts of being a cast member is making lifelong friendships. Meeting people who you can connect with and share your passions, and being able to make those valuable connections is rather important. It also allows for work related connections, which can help you further a career elsewhere if you choose.  Being able to make those bonds and experience people from all walks of life, is something that Disney truly provides. Not only getting to know other cast members, but helping and connecting with guests at the park.

Someone who is empathetic and enjoys helping others will definitely love being able to make someone’s vacation truly special. Encountering those people who just need a little pick-me-up and being able to provide a smile for a family who needs it, is definitely a valuable experience that you can provide as a cast member. If being able to please others and make them happy is something you enjoy, then you can definitely add that to the pro column.

Learning New Skills

While there are only certain skills to be learned in such a specific environment, customer service is the biggest one. You will learn how to connect with people and be patient when it comes to their needs and desires. Being able to learn how to handle just about any situation and help others who truly need it, is something that will help you in any future customer service jobs. As a Disney parks employee you will have to encounter so many different types of people from all over the world and from many different life situations, which truly helps you broaden your understanding of how to respond to people.

Minimal Pay

The pay is definitely something that goes in the con column, since it is often just above minimum wage. It isn’t a high paying job, especially since the locations can be rather expensive places to live. It can be difficult to maintain a life on that salary, especially if you are living alone. Many people find it more helpful to live with roommates, in order to make paying for rent much easier. The pay is something most cast members complain about, since it really isn’t easy to get by on a lower salary. In truth the salary compares to many other jobs in the areas, and it is more of a widespread problem than just a Disney related issue.

Unusual Hours

The hours can be a bit insane for cast members, especially since Disney offers something called “magic hours”. These are hours that the park is open just for special guests staying in the on ground resorts. This makes it challenging for the cast members since they sometimes wind up working a morning shift and then having to jump into a night shift with only a few hours’ time to sleep in between. This can become rather exhausting and hard to maintain, making it challenging since workers also have to remain happy and pleasant towards the customers. It is difficult to deal with whiny customers when you haven’t gotten more than a few hours rest in the last 24 hours.

The Heat

The heat is of course one of the more exhausting and grueling parts of working at the parks. Certain times of year can be sweltering and nearly impossible to stay cool in. Many cast members have specific attire and it isn’t always the coolest of options. Having to wear a full costume is even worse when you are dealing with 100 degree weather. Even guests complain of the heat, so you can just imagine how challenging it is for cast members who have to work in it all day.

Strict Rules

The rules for working at the Disney parks are extremely strict and unbending. The cast members are constantly being observed and must adhere to every little detail. These rules often include speaking with very specific vocabulary, and having to present yourself a certain way even outside of your work environment. Some of these rules can seem a bit insane to people, but in Disney’s eyes they are important in order to maintain the magical experience for the guests.

In my personal opinion working at the parks is best for someone who wants to experience something magical, and not someone who is looking for a career that will satisfy them financially. It is more ideal for younger people who don’t mind that experience of living on ramen noodles, but who also want to make friends and enjoy living in the present for a while. It might not be ideal for people who want a long term career option, since the pay isn’t amazing and the hours can be rather long. At the same time it definitely teaches you a lot and provides some incredible memories that cannot be replaced. While many cast members have complaints about their experiences, they ultimately would not trade it for the world. The important thing is to consider if the job fits your personal preferences, and continuing to do the proper research about your expectations.

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