The Best Disney Pin Collecting Tips and Tricks

The Best Disney Pin Collecting Tips and Tricks

If you are a beginner in the Disney pin trading world, then you might feel like your collection is a bit weak. Putting together a pin set that you truly adore is something that takes time and effort, but the right helpful information can make the process a bit faster. Pin collecting is something that can be fun and exciting, especially when you get to the parks and can trade and share your collection with others. In order to help you build up your pin collection and learn a few little tricks, we have put together this guide to pin collecting.

Get a Starter Pack

When you are just starting out it can be beneficial and cost efficient to get together a starter pack. Online there are some truly inexpensive pin packs that have a bunch of random Disney pins in them. These are often great for trading, since you can exchange pins that didn’t cost you retail value. They are usually quality pins that are just as nice as the ones you will purchase in stores, but they were likely mass produced so you can get a lot of them in one sitting without having to pay a high price.

You can pick out your favorites that you want to keep in your collection, and save the rest for trading with other collectors or when you finally get yourself over to the Disney parks. Its great not having to pay a high price for pins that you are trading, and you can hopefully snag some awesome pins this way as well.

Check Your Local Shops

Of course there is always purchasing from the various stores that sell Disney items. Places like Hot Topic and Box Lunch sell plenty of really cool Disney pins! They often have exclusive ones that you cannot find anywhere else, which makes it a nice way to get unique pin items in your collection. You can also purchase from these stores online which makes it an easy and fast way to snag a few adorable Disney pins.

Flea Markets

This is something that is surprising to most people, but flea markets are often a great place to find Disney pins. There can sometimes be vendors who have a few extra Disney pins that they are selling for really great prices. You can also find some rare ones sometimes that you would never expect to discover. You just have to keep your eyes open for the right locations and make sure to pay attention. Flea markets really can be gold mines for Disney collectibles, especially when it comes to pin collecting. Do some research and find the best local flea markets, and start looking around for the right vendors who might have the items you are searching for.

Social Media Groups

Checking your local social media groups and marketplaces can be great ways to find awesome Disney pins. There are often groups for specific things, such as Disney pin collectors, pin collectors in general and some other great Disney related groups. This can be a great way to purchase pins, or even trade them with other collectors. Always be smart about your purchases by using Paypal, and try to find ways to make sure the person you are encountering is trustworthy. Many groups have a system that helps to protect traders and buyers so that they aren’t likely to get scammed.

You can also check marketplaces on social media groups and might even get lucky once in a while. There are often people who are looking to get rid of their collections and just want some extra cash. They often cut really good deals for some special pins, so it is best to always keep your eyes open.

Get a Pin Pal

You can also find groups that will set you up with a Pin Pal, who you can send pins back and forth with. It can be even more exciting to connect with someone who lives somewhere entirely different from you, since it helps you get your hands on pins you otherwise wouldn’t have as readily available to you. In different countries Disney releases unique pins, so trading overseas can be a way to get pins you wouldn’t be able to find. Having this connection with someone is both fun and beneficial when it comes to building up your Disney pin collection.


Subscriptions might not be the absolute best way to get your favorite pins, but they certainly are fun. There are plenty of different Disney pin subscriptions but the Disney Pin of the Month Club seems to be the absolute best. You have different customizable options and the reviews are all positive. If you want to have a surprise pin in your mailbox each month, then it can certainly be a great way to build your collection up.

There are also some collections on websites like the Bradford Exchange, which work somewhat like a subscription, it just isn’t a mystery. You can see the pin collections and will pay a monthly installments and receive a set of four each month. These often come with a beautiful collector’s case as well, making the collection look stunning in its quality enclosure.

Trade at the Parks!

Of course there is the most well-known and most exciting part of Disney pin collecting- when you actually get to trade in the parks! This is where having those extras on hand can be beneficial, especially when you see a pin you truly want. It isn’t difficult, it just requires that you follow the appropriate rules and you can trade with any cast members at the parks. The great thing is they cannot turn you down as long as you have followed the rules accordingly. It is truly exciting when you are staying at the Disney hotels as well, since the cast members there usually wear a lanyard and sometimes later at night you can catch the absolute best pins.

Trading at the parks is something that is fun and enjoyable, especially if you have children with you as well. Being able to bring a whole new level of joy and magic to the experience is what Disney does best!

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